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Email Coaching

Are you struggling to navigate the complexities of a breakup, longing to get back together with your ex, or needing expert relationship and dating advice? Introducing my Emergency Email Coaching, designed to provide you with expert guidance and personalized advice right when you need it the most.

Whether you need clarity on what went wrong, effective strategies to rekindle the flame, a compassionate listener to help you through this challenging time, or actionable advice to improve your love life- I got you covered.

I believe other “relationship” coaches charge absurd prices for shitty coaching. There will be no “30-day no contact strategy” or “exactly what to say to get them back” advice from me. I only will provide actionable, no-bs advice on your unique situation grounded in psychological principles of emotional strength and development to improve your lifestyle and relationships.

The best part? This one-on-one email coaching is only $20. I believe charging broken-hearted individuals 1000s of dollars for recycled advice is both morally wrong and damaging to the industry.

I have a proven track record of empowering individuals (7,567 Clients To Date) like you to regain self-reliance and make better-informed decisions about their relationships. With my guidance, you’ll gain the confidence and tools necessary to navigate through heartache and transform your life (and love life) for the better.

You can expect a detailed reply email within a 12-hour window of being sent, but can usually get to it faster than that.

Confidential Email Coaching Form
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Testimonials From 2023

Mark, Vancouver BC

“After my ex abruptly ended our relationship, I was devastated and didn’t know where to turn. I reached out to the Emergency Coaching Email and had a 3 email session with Donnie. He not only helped me understand the reasons behind the breakup but also gave me valuable advice on rebuilding my self-esteem. With Donnie’s support, I focused on personal growth and learned to value myself again. I can’t thank him enough for helping me through this challenging time.”

Jessica, Austin Texas USA

“I dealt with other relationship coaches in the past who charge over $200 for terrible advice that borderlines manipulation. Donnie genuinely cares about your situation and uses healthy principles of self-growth to assist you. He made me realize that my emotions were overpowering my life and relationship and guided me back to a more healthy and stable relationship with my boyfriend of 4 years. Can’t thank him enough, and he did it all for $20!”

Aarav, Jaipur India

“I was heartbroken and struggling to cope after my breakup, so I decided to give the Emergency Coaching Email a try. Donnie’s deep understanding of the no-contact strategy and his guidance gave me the strength to stay committed to the process. Today, I’m grateful for the no-contact approach, and I’ve started a journey of self-discovery that has transformed my life for the better. I can’t recommend this service enough to anyone going through a breakup. Thank you Donnie for being my rock!”

The Emergency Coaching Service respects the privacy and confidentiality of its clients and does not disclose any personal information without consent.

I will personally refund your purchase if the advice was not helpful for your unique situation.