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Hi, it’s Donnie.

Thanks for checking out my blog. As you may or may not know, I’m an author, blogger, traveler, and online entrepreneur. I’ve been sharing breakup recovery advice since 2016. I also have a YouTube channel where I cover core concepts and answer questions from subscribers.

I’ve helped thousands of coaching clients and have millions of views on my articles. I take this information to heart and believe that going through a breakup can set the stage for a major moment of personal growth.

Don’t mistake me for a licensed therapist or psychologist, if you need professional help I fully recommend going that route. But I do have years of research, reading, and client work in this space and I can assure you- if you work with me you will not only feel better- but improve every aspect of your life at the same time.

So with that being said, I hope you enjoy my content and I always enjoy hearing feedback on how to better serve you!

Why I’m Different From The Other “Coaches”

In a sea of relationship “coaches” promising quick fixes and manipulation tactics, I stand apart as a guide who values your personal growth and well-being above all else. My approach is unconventional and firmly rooted in principles of psychology and human nature. I believe in empowering you to build genuine connections and navigate relationships with authenticity, empathy, and understanding.

Unconventional Wisdom for Genuine Results

I don’t believe in offering one-size-fits-all solutions. Instead, I delve into the complexities of human relationships, recognizing that each individual and connection is unique. My guidance is based on deep psychological insights and a thorough understanding of human behavior. I’m committed to providing you with advice that aligns with your authentic self, and fostering healthy relationships that stand the test of time.

Long-Term Growth Over Short-Term Fixes

Unlike many in the relationship coaching space who focus on temporary solutions, I’m here to support your long-term personal growth. My approach emphasizes building a strong foundation for lasting connections rather than resorting to manipulative tactics. I believe that personal development and self-awareness are the keys to building meaningful relationships that enrich your life.

Affordable and Accessible Guidance

My mission is to provide valuable guidance without the hefty price tags often associated with the coaching industry. I recognize that seeking support should not break the bank. You can trust that my services are offered at fair rates, ensuring that you receive the assistance you need without financial strain. For example, my most popular service is my email coaching at the price tag of $20 for direct contact with me.

Your Partner on the Journey

As you navigate the complex landscape of relationships, I am your partner on this journey. My aim is not to merely offer advice but to empower you to understand your own needs, communicate effectively, and create connections that bring fulfillment and happiness. Together, we’ll explore the depths of human connections, uncovering the truths that lead to genuine growth.

Thank you for considering me as your guide on this transformative journey. I look forward to working together, not just to address the challenges you face today, but to equip you with the tools and insights that will serve you well in all your relationships to come.

Where To Start

The best place would be my articles, the HEAL+R Cheat Sheet, and my Email Coaching:

“Amidst the heartache of a breakup, remember that endings mark the beginning of new chapters in our lives. Embrace the pain as a stepping stone toward personal growth, and trust that with time, you will rise stronger, wiser, and ready to embrace the beauty of new beginnings.”